Case Closed ~ Columbus IN, Fire and Rescue receive free drone lighting and reconstruction software.

WHERE: 935 Repp Dr. Columbus, IN. 47201

WHEN: September 7th 2021 4:00PM

Columbus IN, Fire and Rescue receive drone lighting and reconstruction software.

Their Request

August 5th 2021. The Columbus Fire and Rescue made a live video application at the 2021 FDIC convention to win a drone donated The W. S Darley Co, a partner supporter of the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program. for a free drone. Although the Columbus Fire and Rescue did not win that request, they are now receiving one from Mr. Steven Graves, CEO and founder Drone Assist Indiana a local no profit organization dedicated to find Individuals, such as those on the autistic spectrum have an increased chance of running away or wandering off while not knowing the dangers they may face. In their Video request the department explained why the drone would help protect the communities they serve. This donation will have over $1,200 in value. The new lifesaving technology has proven to be a valuable asset to other departments and is sure to help save lives, property and injury. This will be the 30th drone donation made by since the foundation was established.

“Eyes in the sky for every department in need"

Their Story

“Currently, we do not have a drone…we have 31 volunteers … we have taken over all water rescue… and a drone would be amazing” said Dave Thomason of the Columbus Fire & Rescue.
The board of directors of the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program  is proud to have the support of
Mr. Steven Graves and his foundation and have him as an active board member that shares the same vision to help put  “eyes in the sky for every department in need” Public safety departments nationally may apply to Receive a UAV/drone and cutting edge hardware and software at no cost or obligation to the department with no strings attached.