WHERE: 1215 Waukegan Road,Glenview, Illinois 60025
WHEN: April 21, 2021 @ 10:00 AM
April 16, 2021. The Glenview Fire Department located at 1215 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Illinois 60025. made an application to the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program NPS-DDP.org for drone donation. The department explained why the drone would help protect the communities they serve. In addition to the drone being donated by SkyeBrowse, Loc8 as well as FoxFury Lighting Solutions will also be donating as supporting partners of the NPS-DDP mission . This includes a subscription to their forensics mapping and object detection software along with a drone light kit to help this fire department leverage cutting-edge solutions along with the capabilities of the drone. This donation will have over $7,500 in combined value. The new lifesaving technology has proven to be a valuable asset to other departments and is sure to help save lives, property, and injury. This will be the 26th drone donation made by NPS-DDP.org since the foundation was established.
“Here at the Glenview Fire Department in Illinois, we were able to establish our drone team in 2018 with the support of staff who believed in drones for emergency responses. Our team has been called out to assist in many different situations which included search and rescues, SWAT team assistance, crowd assessments, structure fires, and fire investigations. We would like to take our team one step further by being able to examine the opportunities for 3D modeling for fire investigations and building pre-plans. By obtaining a drone unit with the latest camera technology, this would allow for us to safely utilize the SkyeBrowse 3D modeling program to obtain the necessary images to aid in these tasks” said Lieutenant Tourtelot.
The board of directors of the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program NPS-DDP.org is proud to have the support of the above mentioned
partner supporters who share our vision to help put “eyes in the sky for every department in need.”
Public safety departments nationally may apply to
receive a UAV/drone and cutting edge hardware and software at no cost or obligation to the department with no strings attached.
The Glenview Fire Department had been chosen as the recipient of this drone donation by SkyeBrowse
Specs of drone being donated: DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual Aircraft Rugged Bundle: Features FLIR camera and a 12MP CMOS Optical Sensor, Loud Speaker, Spot Lights, Strobe light Self-Heating Intelligent Flight Batteries x2, Remote Control, Quick-Release Folding Propellers – 14, Battery Charging Hub, Car Charger Battery to Power Bank Adaptor, Power Cable, Communication Cable USB 3.0Spare Control Sticks – 2, USB Adapter,